mercoledì 3 agosto 2016

Ho iniziato a scrivere questo post dopo avere trovato il mio micio nero letteralmente abbracciato ad una biografia del cantante David Bowie che avevo letto distrattamente e lasciato sopra il letto.

Il gatto ci doveva essere saltato sopra approfittando del fatto che la porta della mia camera era rimasta aperta dopo che ci ero entrata per pulire il pavimento.

Questo mio gatto, che ha trascorso l'intero pomeriggio a dormirsela sopra una bella foto del viso di Bowie stampato sulla copertina della biografia, ha un occhio solo, il destro. Il sinistro lo perse due anni fa a causa di un pallino sparato con un'arma ad aria compressa da qualcuno che probabilmente non ama né animali né uomini, né tantomeno legge libri.

Ho scattato alcune foto al felino domestico trovato ferito tra i campi e subito adottato proprio mentre rende un sornione ed inconsapevole omaggio alla rockstar scomparsa lo scorso gennaio di quest'anno.

 I began to write this post when I noticed my black cat sleeping peacefully on a book about David Bowie's life and songs. The cute feline probably jumped on my bed and fell asleep as I had left my bedroom's door open before leaving.

Now I must tell that this cat was found in the countryside and he had a wounded eye. My family adopted him immediately and the vet had to remove the poor cat's left eye as a bullet had damaged it very badly. We were kind of shocked to learn that hearless people can have cruel fun shooting cats among the fields in the countryside. Now our pet is fine and is living a normal life in my house with our other cats and one dog.

I was reading about David Bowie (David Robert Jones, 1947-2016) and his life spent between Europe and the US, then I left the room and the cat came in just to get some sleep on my bed - and on David's biography written by Wendy Leigh. There are things in this book that I do not actually like very much, as it is just a biography, a list of events but to me, certain details just miss the point.

However, the photograph of David on the book cover is gorgeous, he looks so handsome and it was sweet to see how my cat spontaneously slept for say one hour or so on that photo, on David's lips and face. If there could be such things like a "transfer of spiritual energy", then David must have received all of my cat's soft touch and cuddling as well as purring sounds.

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